Marco Ferrari MD, DMD, PhD
University: Università di Siena
Dipartimento di Biotecnologie Mediche
Policlinico ‘Le Scotte’, Viale Bracci 1,
Siena-53100, Italy
Dr. Marco Ferrari, born in 1959, graduated at School of Medicine and Surgery of University of Pisa in July 1983 with maximum score and he took is General Dentistry degree in 1987 at University of Siena with laude.
He received the First Italian Award for the best Post-Graduate in General Dentistry Thesis 1987 and the Award of “New Writer Contest” of Journal of Prosthodontics 1989.
Between 1987-88 he attended the Post-Graduate Program in Prosthodontics at Tufts University di Boston.
After being back to Italy he starter to teach at School of Dental Medicine of University of Siena as contract professor (1990).
In 1995 he took his Ph D degree at University of Amsterdam, defending a thesis on ‘Bonding to dental structures’ with Prof. Carel L. Davidson as promoter and mentor.
From 1992, he was enrolled in the Faculty of the School of Dental Medicine at Tufts University of Boston, in the Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics Department and was appointed progressively from Clinical Instructor to Assistant Clinical Professor, Associate Clinical Professor and finally Research Professor during the academic year 1999-2000.
From 1997-1998 to 1999-2000 he was teaching Dental Materials at School of Dental Medicine of Siena University as Part-time Professor.
During October 2000, after winning a national application, he was appointed Associate Professor at School of Dental Medicine, of University of Siena.
In June 2001 Prof. Ferrari proposed and implemented the Ph D program in ‘Dental Materials and their clinical applications’ at University of Siena.
In June 2002, he was winner of national application of limited number of full-professor positions and starting the academic year 2003 he was appointed full professor at University of Siena, School of Dental Medicine.
In July 2003 Prof. Ferrari was appointed Dean of School of Dental Medicine of University of Siena, and he was renewed several times and his appointment will end at the end of the academic year 2016-17. In the last 10 years, as Dean, he put together reaserch, clinical activities and teaching to create a multidisciplinary academic dental center where the focus is dedicated to the students and patients simoultaneously.
In October 2003 he was appointed Vice Rector of International Relations of University of Siena.
In May 2005, he was also appointed Director of School of Ph D in ‘Biotechnologies’.
In July 2010 was appointed as Chair of Dental Clinic of Le Scotte Hospital, Siena (2010-2013), hospital organization that takes care of dental patient associated to the School of Dental Medicine of Siena University. The mission of the Hospital is to provide dental care to the population leaving in and around Siena (south of Tuscany region).
He is an official evaluator of Italian Research in Dentistry Committee of The Italian Minister of Education (2008-present).
He is President of National Conference of Schools of Dental Medicine (2010-present), the organization that collect all Italian Deans of Schools of Dentistry.
He is member of the National Agency for Evaluating Research of Italian Minister of Education (2011-present).
He was the founder and now is Coordinator of Tuscan School of Dental Medicine, merged School between Florence and Siena Schools of Dental Medicine (2010-present).
He was Director of Department of Medical Biotechnology of University of Siena (2012-2013) the new organization that took over of a wide part of the Medical School of University of Siena.
He has always looked for at internationalization of the School of Dental Medicine and of his research group.
The Ph D program in ‘Dental Biotechnologies’ of University of Siena established official cooperation agreements with other 18 Universities (S. Paulo, S. Paulo-Bauru, Granada, Complutense-Madrid, Valencia, Saragoza-Huesca, Universidad International de Cataluna, Universidad Europea de Madrid, Jerusalem and Tel Aviv, Berlin and Munich, Zagreb, Tufts University-Boston, Rochester University-Eastman Centre, Rengensburg, Paris VII, Masai-Tokyo University and Asahi-Tokyo University and Marseilles University) creating an unique ‘dental scientific network’.
All activities of the Ph D program are in English, very often foreign professors are coming for making class and exams to the Ph students and, for getting the Ph D, each student has to write as first author at least 2-3 papers and as co-author e other papers in impact factor journal in 3-4 years (
He was promoter of 36 Ph D thesis from 2004 to now.
Around 50% of his Ph D students (17 students), after being graduated, are nowprofessors (at full or associate or assistant professor level) in international and national Universities and several of them have high level appointments (such as a Dean in Spain and two Associate Dean for Research in USA).
Prof. Ferrari received several international appointments and recognitions:
Research Professor, Department of Restorative Dentistry and Fixed Prosthodontics, Tufts University, Boston.
Adjunct Professor, Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, University of Rochester (2008-present)
Visiting Professor, Xi’an University, Department of Prosthodontics, China (2007-present).
Visiting Professor, Belgrade University (2008-present).
Prof. Ferrari was member of the Board of Accademia di Conservativa, and of Società di Odontoiatria Conservatrice, he was board member (2003-4) Secretary (2005-6), Vice-President (2007-8) and then President of Academy of Dental Materials (2009-10) and Member of the board, President of European Federation of Conservative Dentistry (2004-5) and then Past-President.
He is also board member (2008-present) and President of IADR Central Europe Division (2012-14).
He is in the editorial board of some international dental journals with impact factor (such as International Journal of Prosthodontics, Journal of Adhesive Dentistry, American Journal of Dentistry, Dental Materials, Journal of Dental Research, Journal of Dentistry, Journal of Endodontics, referee of 10 additional international journals.) and he acts as referee of other 10 peer-reviewed impact factor dental journals.
It is also Scientific Editor of International Dentistry South Africa.
He is author of 340 international publications (4/5 on dental journals with impact factor), and other 290 national publications and of 190 abstracts presented in international and national congress.
His School of Dental Medicine has the highest impact factor of Italian Schools of Dental Medicine, and among the best 3 of Europe.
See Google scholar profile at:
Citations index (August 2014)
All | From 2010 | |
Citations | 20218 | 12347 |
Index H | 79 | 59 |
i10-index | 320 | 261 |
In his carrier worked with many Dental companies such as: 3MESPE, Ivoclar-Vivadent, GC Co, Tokuyama, Dentsply, Kerr, Vita,Voco, Bisco, Shofu, Kavo, RTD, NobelBiocare, Straumann, Biosafin, Astra Tech, Dentsply Implants, Thommen Implants, Geislich, in different areas of research such as Bonding, resin composites, fiber posts, zirconia, implants.
He actively participates in lab and clinical research field mainly oriented to clinical trials on implants, restorative and prosthodontics with particular attention to the workflow of digital dentistry.
Dr. Ferrari has lectured extensively within Europe and internationally. Dr. Ferrari was invited in all continents and he presented in prestigious Congress, Conference, Symposia and Courses such as Academy of Dental Materials, Academy of Operative Dentistry, Yankee Congress, International Academy of Dental Research, European Federation of Conservative Dentistry, FDI, Association Dental Francoise, Dubai Dental Congress, Academy of Adhesive Dentistry, College of Prosthodontics, European Federation of Endodontics, Italian Academy of Prosthodontics, Italian Academy of Conservative Dentistry, Spanish Restorative Dentistry Society, Italian Society of Restorative Dentistry, Italian Society of Osteointegration, Italian Society of Endodontics, Astra Tech World Congress, etc.