Dear colleagues,
below a clinical case presented by Dr. Pierpaolo Cortellini.
For those who are interested, you can find the full article about the advanced techniques in periodontal regeneration on our blog at the following link:
Minimally Invasive Surgical Technique (MIST) in Regenerative Periodontal Therapy
Fig 1. Baseline picture of a first lower left molar. The patient was affected by a severe chronic periodontitis and referred frequent abscesses in this area and in other parts of the mouth.
Fig 2. The radiograph shows a large all around bone destruction at the distal root, extending beyond the apex and involving the furcation
Fig 3. Picture taken after cause-related therapy. The probe shows an attachment loss greater than 15mm. There is also a degree III furcation involvement. The tooth is vital.
Fig 4. The tooth was endodontically treated before surgery to allow for the all around instrumentation of the apex of the distal root
Fig 5. A papilla preservation flap was raised to debride the all around defect. The defect was then treated with Amelogenins.
Fig 6. Primary intention closure of the flap
Fig 7. Stability of the wound at suture removal after 1 week
Fig 8. Four-year picture of the treated area.
Fig 9. The 4-year radiograph shows the almost complete resolution of the defect. A degree I buccal furcation is still present.
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