Favara (Ag) – 11/03/1959
1977 – Classical high School diploma with top marks at High School Empedocle of Agrigento.
1985 – Graduation in Dentistry and Dental Prosthetics with top marks and honors at University of Palermo.
1997 – Advanced Diploma in Posturology with top marks at University of Palermo.
2003 – Experienced doctor in Homeopathy, Homotoxicology and Integrate Disciplines; diploma with Honors at GUNA – A.I.O.T. four-years course, Milan, Italian section of International Gesellshaft fur Homotoxikologie, Baden Baden, Germany.
2003 – Experienced doctor in Electro-Agopuncture according to Voll; three-years diploma course in 11 levels. A.M.I.D.E.A.V., Rome, Italian section of International Medizinische Gesellshaft fur Elektroakupuntur nach Voll E. V. – Stuttgart.
2004 – Experienced doctor in Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation according to Planas technique; two-years courses attended at Italian Association Pedro Planas (AIPP), subsidiary FIAPP (International Federation of the Pedro Planas Associations).
2005 – AIPP member, and cultural secretary of the association since 2007 to 2009.
2006 – SIKON (Italian Society of Kinesiograph) associate.
2008 – Active member AIG (Italian Association of Gnathology).
In the past years he attended many courses of improvement, specially related to Orthodontic field and on the cranio-cervical-mandibular disorders.
In the past years he highly extended his interests involving many fields of the unconventional medicines. He studied many holistic disciplines like the kinesiography, Osteopathy, Agopuncture, Bach flower therapy and Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation technique.
He currently lives in Agrigento where he works since 1985. He works as a dentist both as part of the state run health care and as private practitioner, freelance professional, collaborating with colleagues and therapists and committing in first line to spread the Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation knowledge in Italy through seminaries and courses targeted to doctors and dentists. Since 2000 he deals with Natural Medicine and biotechnologies using, where possible, “complementary” method to treat diseases of dental interest, always with care for the holistic vision of the individual and his two great passions: Biological Medicine and Neuro-Occlusal Rehabilitation.
He attended many national and international congresses, as speaker.