Born in Torre del Greco (Italy) 29 March1987; graduates from high school in 2006 with 90/100.
From 2008 to 2012, attends the Dental School at the Federico II University of Naples, being resident in Oral Medicine (directed by Prof. MD. Mignogna), developing clinical skills to diagnose, manage and treat oral lesions and pathologies.
Graduates in Dentistry on July 2012 discussing a thesis in Oral Medicine with a final mark of 110/110 with honors and recommendation for publication.
On May 2013, presents his thesis at the 4th World Congress of the International Academy of Oral Oncology (IAOO) with a lecture entitled “Views on the need for continuing education on oral cancer among specialists and generalists: a Delphi survey”.
On January 2013, attends an annual course in Advanced Endodontics held by Dr. Flavio Palazzi, developing skills to treat complex cases with the operating microscope.
On September 2014, attends a 6-months course in “Dental morphology, Occlusion and Gnathology” held by Mr. Luigi De Stefano (Occlusal Kompass Award)