Specialist in Odontostomatology
Specialist in Orthognathodontics
Director of the Odontostomatology Clinic of the University of Insubria – Varese
Professor (Med. 28) at the University of Insubria where he teaches Dental Materials and Prosthetic Technology in the Dentistry and Prosthesis Degree Course. He is Appointed Professor of Biomechanics – that he teaches at the Orthognathodontics Specialization School – University of Insubria.
He has written over 108 scientific papers in Orthognathodontics, Odontostomatologic Surgery, Dental Materials and Computerized Medicine: many of these publications deal with Orthodontic Biomechanics and the Lingual Orthodontic Technique. He has held numerous courses and seminars in Orthodontics in various Universities in Italy and abroad.