Born in Tropea in 1963, he gained a degree in dentistry with honours from the University of Messina in 1987 and has been practising dentistry ever since; researcher in the field of scientific dental photography, in 2010, in collaboration with Dr. Luca Pascoletti, he wrote the book “Photography in Dentistry”, published by Quintessenza Internazionale. The text was immediately translated into French and English, the latter being distributed throughout the world. The first photography lecturer certified by Nikon in Italy, he speaks at national and international congresses, and continues to carry out intensive research, confirmed by the publication of many original articles in leading Italian and international journals. With his research he has codified various new concepts: the Orthography of Images and Photography based on Scientific Evidence, a protocol to maintain the accuracy of the colours of digital images. In 2013 he proposed a new approach to the study of colour in dentistry, together with a glossary of modern terms. He devised the concepts of “structural diagnostics and the equivalent magnification ratio, the latter valid for any type of photography. He has published a work on the use of crossed polarized light in dentistry, explaining the potentials of dental photography in the early diagnosis of neoplastic diseases of the oral cavity. In 2014 he introduced the concept of “Optical Anatomy” as a method of analysing, through digital images, dental anatomy and colours for restorative purposes. In 2016 he published, once again through the publisher Quintessenza Internazionale, “New Scientific Evidence in Photography, Colour and Digital Workflow”. He lives and practises in Tropea.